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Early Camp Beginnings
by Robert F. Travis

Not many people know but our current Camp Nooteeming is actually Nooteeming III -- there were two other Camp Nooteemings in our council before it. The first camp was in East Fishkill, which now would be part of the Herald Tribune Camp at East Mountain. The second Camp Nooteeming was located at Lake Walton, also in East Fishkill. It was located on the left of the entrance road leading to the swimming area. The reason it was at Lake Walton is that the parents of a member of the original Troop 1 owned the lake. The Brinckerhoff’s still hold title to the lake as of this writing (1993). The third and final Camp Nooteeming is our present camp located on Scout Road in Salt Point. It was purchased in 1926. The dam was built in 1928. Prior to the lake, swimming was done in the Wappingers Creek. All the camp activities were conducted in the are behind the Nature Lodge (current Kiwanis Lodge). In 1936 - 1939 the Boy Scouts of the Council planted pine trees throughout the camp, many of which still remain. Many improvements have been made over the years. The dining hall was built beginning in the early 1950s. Before the dining hall meals were served and cooked at the AB building. Scouts ate under a large dining fly which extended from the front steps toward the road. This huge canvas cover acted as protection from the sun and rain.


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